Commercial partnerships

We offer a wide range of commercial partnership packages, with significant discounts for multiple bookings.

All advertisers also receive copyright-free edited videos of their appearances to use for their own subsequent marketing purposes.

Our packages

All prices are exclusive of VAT

Level 1 - Headline sponsorship


The benefits include: A five-minute guest slot on the show (see level 2); the chance to drive a 15-minute discussion panel (see level 3); up to four commercials in the breaks; and branding in the titles as being ‘brought to you in association with’

Level 2


Be our resident industry ‘expert’ – you get a 15 minute commercial Q&A-style feature item during the show, with the presenter, and guaranteed exclusivity for your sector

Level 3


Every five minutes

Panel discussion – want to create a topical business issue for discussion in the studio and be a leading guest on a three or four-person panel? Pitch us an idea, and appear on screen to lead or take part in the debate

Level 4


15 minute slot: Let us feature your story with a combination of your submitted video/visuals and either a pre-recorded or studio interview

Level 5


Submit an advertisement of between 45-60 seconds for one of our commercial breaks

Bespoke commercial packages

We are happy to work with you if you have something else in mind. Maybe we could come and filma segment of the show at your premises, for example, or help you launch a product in our studio, on the show?

Commercial benefits

– TV-quality production by acclaimed events and video specialists, Yarrington, and led by hugely experienced business journalists.

– Broadcast and recorded from a media centre in the heart of Birmingham’s central business district.

– Relevant clips featuring partner businesses and organisations available as carefully edited packages, fully licensed for their own future commercial use.

– The programme will be aired across multiple platforms.

– An online archive of all editions will be available for permanent repeat viewings –